
Seeing Through a New Lens: Embracing a Clearer, Kinder Perspective

This month I have been to the opticians for a routine eye test. Nothing felt particularly problematic with my vision, but I discovered I needed a new prescription for both distance and near-sight, so I now have a shiny new pair of glasses. For me, there is something exciting about getting a new pair of

Seeing Through a New Lens: Embracing a Clearer, Kinder Perspective Read More »

Staying in your own Lane: Navigating Christmas with a Difficult Relationship with Food, Weight and Shape.

As the days grow colder and we near the holiday season, we all will have our own unique thoughts and experiences about Christmas and the festivities. For many people with eating disorders and disordered eating, the festive season can be a particularly challenging time. Christmas often brings social pressures, expectations around food, and comparisons from

Staying in your own Lane: Navigating Christmas with a Difficult Relationship with Food, Weight and Shape. Read More »

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