Sarah's Blog

Life Beyond the Limitations of Anxiety

Last month was busy for me and Well of Being. One of the highlights was delivering training for therapists, health professionals and carers on the impact of shame, especially for neurodivergent individuals with eating disorders and disordered eating. Before the training several ...
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Compassion Over Comparison

As humans we compare ourselves to others, and others to ourselves. There is an inevitability about this. We naturally observe others to see how we ‘measure up’ and draw conclusions about where we stand, where our place is. This behaviour was created ...
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Do we have to think positively about our body to be ok?

I was asked this week by someone who knows I struggled with Anorexia Nervosa previously if I ever have any negative thoughts about my body these days. It is a question I am often asked, and I always answer honestly. My thoughts ...
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Being the Observer

While we were on holiday in Scotland recently, we visited the Fortingall Yew – a yew tree which is thought to be between 3000 and 9000 years old and one of the oldest living things in Europe. Brian, my husband, finds all ...
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Living Authentically

As some of you will know, we have 3 terriers. They are all adorable (I am unashamedly biased!) and all very different in their personalities. Douglas is our oldest. He is a 12 year-old border terrier. Border terriers are essentially working terriers. ...
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When our Minds are not as Helpful as we Think

Recently I inadvertently missed an appointment with a new client. I had to attend to something urgent and last minute and unfortunately didn’t let the client know. This is something I have never done before. Indeed, I pride myself on being true ...
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Thriving – what do we really need to prosper?

My husband often takes me to some random, but ultimately very interesting places! We recently visited a fascinating museum at Eastriggs in Scotland called ‘The Devil’s Porridge Museum’. The Museum tells the story of HM Factory Gretna – a munitions Factory in ...
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Courage and Resilience

The Cambridge Dictionary definition of courage is ‘the ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation.’ Courage is not the absence of fear, rather it is doing what’s right in the presence of fear. Cor is, in fact, Latin ...
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